About NFC3

The second edition of Nuclear Fuel Cycle: A Chemistry Conference (NFC3), will be held on November 15-16, 2023.

Like the first one in 2021, this edition will be a virtual event (100% online) and aims to give the opportunity for young scientists to exchange and present chemistry advances related to all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle.

The 2023 edition will include keynote lectures (30 minutes) and contributed talks (15 minutes).

Guidelines for the conference and the abstract submission can be found HERE.

The program of the conference is HERE, and the book of abstracts is HERE

PLEASE REGISTER : THE REGISTRATION (free of charge) IS MANDATORY to get the conference connection links



Oral presentations will cover the following topics dedicated to the nuclear fuel cycle:

  • Actinide and fission product chemistry
  • Actinide separation
  • Actinide materials: nuclear fuels and radwaste matrice

Key Dates

  • September 20: end of the call for abstract
  • September 29: notification to the authors about communication acceptance
  • October 27: registration deadline
  • November 15 & 16: webinar conference 


Organizing Committee

Laurence Berthon (CEA/DES/ISEC), Nicolas Dacheux (Université Montpellier), Philippe Guilbaud (CEA/DES/ISEC), Philippe Martin (CEA/DES/ISEC), Matthieu Virot (CEA/ICSM)

The NFC3 conference is organized jointly by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the University of Montpellier (UM) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). 

ISEC_s.jpg      Université de Montpellier      CNRS_s_1.png

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